Pastor Sutton Turner shows us what the Lord is doing in Ethiopia, where he recently led a group of 11 church leaders to preach and encourage the church planters that you are supporting. Over 2,000 pastors from all over Ethiopia showed up to hear leaders from Mars Hill preach, and they had a great opportunity to pray over each other and pray for the gospel to continue to be proclaimed throughout Africa.
Ethiopia is just one of the countries where Jesus is working through Mars Hill Global. All over the world people are supporting the mission of Jesus and helping to make disciples and plant churches in his name. In addition to Ethiopia, we are currently working with church planters in India, as well as here in the United States. Your support and gifts to Mars Hill Global not only support the ministries of Mars Hill Church but will also fund our free resources, online media, and benefit all of our global ministry efforts.
Check out Mars Hill Global to support the mission and for more information about what we’re doing in Ethiopia and around the world.