With the start of September, Mars Hill Schools has officially kicked off its very first class of students.
Corban University hosted orientation on September 2nd, welcoming students from varied walks of life through the freshly prepared classrooms in Bellevue. A total of 30 students are enrolled across Corban University and Western Seminary, the institutions Mars Hill Church is hosting under the umbrella of Mars Hill Schools.
The classrooms were finished just in time for Corban’s orientation, with the final touches made last week. These final touches included completing the installation of audio/video equipment, wireless and printers, and furniture to the lounge and classrooms, as well as general cleanup of the common areas.
Derek Hiebert has been announced as Western’s Seattle Teaching Site Director. He will be on site this fall promoting and recruiting for Western in Seattle. Derek will also handle much of the day-to-day operations as well as conducting enrollment counseling for students, advising them on degree programs and which classes will be best to help them reach their goals.
“I have a passion for strong gospel-centered theological and ministry training, and enjoy working in an educational context, especially one that is closely partnered with the church,” he said.
Derek was born and raised in the Pacific Northwest and serves as a bi-vocational pastor with Soma Church.
Classes began on Tuesday in Bellevue with orientation for Corban in the evening. Western will host its orientation this Saturday, September 6th, in the early afternoon. For more information on Mars Hill Schools, or to apply, visit marshill.com/schools.