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Everyday grace: how Jesus is changing lives, part 7

Jesus changes lives. Jesus makes people new. Jesus redeems legacies and steps in to completely and utterly transform people.

Some of these people have been sharing online how Jesus has used Mars Hill to change them, save them, and give them life and hope. Jesus is perfect and does perfect work, even through imperfect people and churches like Mars Hill. Nobody is off limits for Jesus. He already loves you in the most lavish way. He changed the lives here; he can change yours.

Some of these posts and pictures have been re-posted here, with permission, for your encouragement. Share what Jesus has done in your life through Mars Hill using #changedlives or share your story with us online at

 “Dear Mars Hill, I came from a church that taught the Bible poorly. I read the Bible, and I had whole chapters memorized (more of my own volition than church-encouraged). It wasn’t till I went to Mars Hill that things clicked and chunks of the Bible started going together and making sense. I started seeing Jesus in my Bible, instead of individual books. I started looking for Jesus in my Bible instead of ways to make myself better. For that, I will forever be grateful.”


“I started looking for Jesus in my Bible instead of ways to make myself better.”

“My husband and I have been members at Mars Hill Bellevue for just over a year and a half. In that time God has used the pastors, Community Group leaders, volunteers, and great new friends to pour out incredible blessings into our lives. Through Pastor Mark’s bold and faithful preaching, God has penetrated my heart and my husband’s heart in ways I never expected! Jesus is the only perfect man, and I’m so thankful to be part of a church that goes all out to follow him!”


“Anything that I say would be repeating what has already been said. I’ll say this: I love my pastors. I love my church. I pray for both. My, our, lives have changed in the last five years in notable ways. When the Bible is taught so faithfully, when the gospel is explained so clearly, when we are regularly reminded that it’s not about what I do but what God has done, when it really is all about Jesus, the result is changed lives. Thank you Pastor Mark and others that lead. Though we were initially drawn to Mars Hill because of Pastor Mark’s teaching, we began to realize there was so much more. We love our church.”


“I love my pastors. I love my church. I pray for both.”

“Right now the season of life has brought a lot of heavy emotions on my heart. Through this season I am reminded over and over again that the most important relationship is the one that continues to never fail me. The ONE relationship that has given me forgiveness when I didn’t deserve it, when grace was handed to me when I didn’t realize it and forgiveness was accepted before I ever reconciled. I am thankful for the grace that Jesus has given to Mars Hill Church to share the good news with thousands of people throughout the world. I will continue to stand by Mars Hill and support a church that is going through a trying season. Because I am in a trying season, I know the people that have extended grace and love are the people that influenced me the most. I will continue to pray for God to show good through these trials. I will continue to love people who stand in opposition. And above all, I will continue to trust Jesus.”


“I love all the encouragement pouring from this. It’s amazing to see just how powerful Jesus’ love is amidst all the outside pressures. I am very grateful for each of you and for the growth that is taking place in the hearts of this church.”


“Above all, I will continue to trust Jesus.”

“Now more than ever I am excited to be part of the Mars Hill family. I am proud to be part of a family that doesn’t pretend they are perfect or have things together. I am proud to be a part of a community that doesn’t tell people what they want to hear but tells the truth. I am proud that we have a leader that seeks Jesus in all he does and leads with authenticity. I am proud that our church will be known for not having perfect people but a perfect God who loves us. Hebrews 12:1–2: ‘Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.’”


“I was in a very dark place when I came to Mars Hill West Seattle four years ago. I was out of control, lying and stealing money from my family, living a double life, horribly depressed—a Christian who didn’t know how to escape my sin and had never been shown grace, who had been able to hide easily in other churches. God worked mightily through Pastor Mark and Mars Hill West Seattle to bring me to repentance and into the light. Without Mars Hill and the people I met there, I’m not sure I would be alive or in a place of peace and joy as I am now. This church has empowered and encouraged my love for God and others and cultivated my desire to learn and grow in biblical knowledge. I have never been loved as well as I have by the people in our church, especially during the many moments when I have been an utter mess. This church has been my family for four years. I am eternally grateful for this church.”


“Even though this is a difficult season, I thank Jesus that he loves his bride more than I ever can.”

“From 2007–2010 I lived in the Seattle area. I was aware of Mark Driscoll and Mars Hill Church. And, although I was generally appreciative of their impact for the gospel in the Pacific Northwest, I never thought I would set foot in a Mars Hill church. I was content to build and subsequently knock down my own straw men about ‘churches like Mars Hill.’ I was content to stand on the sidelines and throw rocks at a glass house. I was content to critique a church, and sadly, a group of people who attended this church, without ever visiting or trying to get to know a member or a pastor. To me, Mars Hill was a place where, to my horror, everyone wore jeans and liked rock music.

“Fast forward. Three years later. Two moves. A couple more kids and one less cat. I find myself interviewing for a job at Mars Hill. I left the company I had been with for the past 13 years. I left a promising job, with promising salary and promising opportunity to not only join and work at a ‘church like Mars Hill,’ but I was joining and working for THE Mars Hill church. God has a sense of humor.

“What I have discovered in these last eight months is that the people of Mars Hill do wear jeans, and they do like rock music. Some people still wear plaid—the legit flannel kind, not the new Old Navy cotton, fake kind. But, even more surprisingly, I have discovered that the people of Mars Hill I interact with the most—my Community Group, Bellevue elders and Bellevue staff—are a group of people who love Jesus and want to see lives transformed by the gospel. I am honored to work with these people and be on mission with them.

“It’s not a perfect church. I know it’s not a perfect church because I’m a member. I’m broken, and I bring a boatload of sin to the table—just ask my Redemption Group leader. But, it is a church that is reaching people in a city and across the globe for the gospel.

“I don’t miss my former job, and I certainly don’t miss Iowa. I’m thankful for God bringing me to Mars Hill. I’m thankful for the people I get to work with. I’m thankful that I’ve experienced a culture of grace, forgiveness and encouragement. Even though this is a difficult season, I thank Jesus that he loves his bride more than I ever can. Jesus loves Mars Hill. Why? Because it’s his church. It’s all about him—jeans, rock music, and all.”


It's All About Jesus

Jesus was a man who claimed to be God. Think on that for a minute. If that were true, how would it change the way you thought, felt, and lived this life?

At Mars Hill, we believe that Jesus is God. We take him at his word. Because of this, everything we do is all about Jesus. We invite you to learn more about this man who is God and how you can find forgiveness and new life in him.

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What to Expect

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