“We hear them telling in our own tongues the mighty works of God.” Acts 2:11
Isn’t it fun to tell someone a story about an event that amazed you?
Maybe you got a new book and couldn’t wait to tell your friends about it. “You won’t believe the plot!” Or maybe you saw an amazing sports play in which an athlete impressed you with her athletic skill. When you see something like that, you can hardly contain yourself, right? You’re compelled to find someone and ask excitedly, “Did you see that?!”
We should feel the same way about God—so amazed at his creation and acts throughout history that we can hardly contain ourselves!
We see an example of such excitement in today’s text. It says the first followers of Jesus were filled with the Holy Spirit. And what else? Did they just talk about the weather or the great meal they ate last night? No. Verse 11 there says the believers were given power to speak different languages so that they might proclaim “the mighty works of God” to people in different nations and cultures.
God’s mightiest work was raising Jesus from the dead to secure our salvation. We should stand in fearful, grateful awe of that, as well as everything else he’s responsible for, whether an amazing sunset, an eagle gracefully flying through the sky, and the radiant colors of a wildflower. Evidence of God’s mighty works is around us all the time.
Let’s give God glory by talking to others about what he has done! He loves it when we do.
- What are some reasons the psalmist gives for why we should praise God?
- What “mighty works” has he done in your life?
God, give us eyes to see the amazing works you have done. May we stand in awe of the cross and the empty tomb! And may we not be so hurried and distracted that we don’t take time to experience your mighty works in creation and give you rightful praise and adoration for that which we see, whether with our eyes or by faith. Amen.
This devotion is adapted from the Acts Study Guide.