KC became a Christian at Mars Hill Students after hearing the gospel a couple months ago, and he’s maturing in his faith rapidly.
Before I met Jesus, I went through a really rough time trying to forgive my sister, and at the time I didn’t know anything about Jesus, or how to even forgive my sister for the things that she did. I was hanging out with the wrong group of people and always getting into trouble. Once I started coming to Mars Hill Students and then the Sunday services at Mars Hill, I saw how much Jesus had forgiven me and he showed me how to forgive people and get over any obstacle. He showed me how to forgive my sister.
Everything is different; now I can go to God about anything. It’s like he is my best friend. There’s no fear of going to Jesus about my problems because I know he isn’t going to judge me.
Now I see God as my Father. He’s always there and he helps me to turn from the things I used to do. The best thing about knowing Jesus is I know that no matter what I’ve done, I can come to Jesus and say, “I’m sorry I did this. Can you help me not to do it again? And if I do mess up and sin again, please help me not to want to do it again.”