Coming up at Mars Hill
Free Son of God Pre-Screening
From the producers of The Bible, the History Channel miniseries, comes a new film, Son of God, which premiers in theaters this month. This film depicts the life of Christ, from birth to crucifixion to resurrection, sharing the gospel through cinema.
A movie about Christ offers Christians a unique opportunity. Think about the people you know—friends, family, co-workers—who would never set foot in a church. How many of them would be willing to go to a free movie?
Join us for this free screening at a theater near you.
Found In Him: Women's Training Day with Elyse Fitzpatrick
Do you feel alone or alienated from God and others? What would change if you knew you were chosen and beloved?
Join us at Mars Hill Bellevue on Saturday, March 29, when Elyse Fitzpatrick, nationally known author and speaker, teaches from her book, Found in Him. We will explore the wonder of the incarnation and the glory of our union with Christ, which offers us a sure path to ultimate acceptance and true belonging through the power of the gospel.
There was a Women’s Training Day at our Ballard church with women from all over the Seattle area.
Deacon Jen Smidt teaches from 1 Peter.
We’re so thankful for the many volunteers that serve our churches!
Mars Hill staff meeting