Read Acts 5:12–42
“But the high priest rose up, and all who were with him (that is, the party of the Sadducees), and filled with jealousy they arrested the apostles and put them in the public prison. But during the night an angel of the Lord opened the prison doors and brought them out, and said, ‘Go and stand in the temple and speak to the people all the words of this Life.’ And when they heard this, they entered the temple at daybreak and began to teach.” Acts 5:17–21
The miracles portrayed in Scripture could be called the fireworks of the Bible. And praise God for the amazing things he does in the lives of the saints! But if we’re not careful, we end up missing the point of these passages. The gospel is never the sideshow to miracles. Rather, in Acts, miracles accompany the forward progress of the mission of proclaiming Jesus. When God does wonderful things in and among his people, it’s no surprise that Satan shows up to harass, criticize, and beat down. The fact is, the Christian life has both super-encouraging highs and deeply discouraging lows. God loves us, but Satan hates us. The more God shows his love, the more Satan spews his hatred. But remember that despite violent opposition, the same Holy Spirit who works these miracles is also empowering the church to continue in bold proclamation of the good news of Jesus.
We often cease teaching and preaching in the midst of far less opposition than the apostles ever encountered. What kind of opposition has kept you from sharing the gospel? Christians usually have no problem grasping that Jesus is their Savior. But we would do well to also remember that Jesus is King and leader, meaning his agenda for spreading the good news trumps anyone else’s agenda to stop it. Certainly Christians ought to tend to their own affairs and live peaceable lives (1 Thess. 4:11), but there are times when God calls us to speak up and proclaim Jesus as King, regardless of the backlash.
- When you witness, do you do so in the name of Jesus?
- Have you ever suffered, in big or small ways, for being a witness to Jesus’ greatness?
- What joy have you found in suffering dishonor for the name of Jesus?
- Have there been times when you ceased preaching Jesus because of opposition?
- As we speak the truth, we will face demonic opposition to the gospel. Pray for one another, that the Spirit will give strength and continued boldness.
Father God, we are so quick to forget the power and love you have shown us, and we sometimes fail to persist in preaching the good news of Jesus when we’re faced with opposition. Please forgive us for our lack of boldness and our fear of others. Please fill us with the fear of the Lord and your Holy Spirit, so that we may witness “in this name”—the powerful name of Jesus.
This devotion is adapted from the Acts Study Guide: Chapters 1–5. Pick up a copy today for only $7.99. The study guide includes an 11-week curriculum with small group studies, group inductive studies, as well as 55 daily devotions for your personal or family worship.