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Search results for “prayer”


The word of the Lord proves true
post by Mars Hill Church

…. Read Psalm 51:5–7, and make it a prayer of your own. Perhaps you have been so hurt by lies that it…


Do Not Steal: Sermon recap
post by Mars Hill Church

…settle for seeing their lives as marked by sacred times of church, family, and prayer, surrounded by…


Stories from around Mars Hill, 11/21/13
post by Sutton Turner

…Hill Everett was invited to church by someone in a Community Group. He asked for prayer, so Pastor Ryan…


Mars Hill Everett’s first Sunday in the Armory
post by Pastor Ryan Williams

…and sought the Lord through prayer, asking him to provide all we need to hold services in this place…


Pray for God to work through the 5-day fast
post by Mars Hill Church

…corporate fasting grow our dependence upon you. May we see miracles because of our prayer and fasting. We…


Pray for every member to make 3 disciples
post by Mars Hill Church

…ministry of reconciliation, both through declaring the gospel of Jesus Christ and through prayer. Help me…


Pray for God’s provision in 2014
post by Mars Hill Church

…. This is the final day of the Living for a Legacy through Prayer campaign. We would like to extend a big…


Jesus’ Bold Little Brother: sermon recap
post by Mars Hill Church

…? The Bible says that while waiting for the Holy Spirit, they devoted themselves to prayer—they talked…


Jim and Kathy obey: A story from the launch of Mars Hill Tacoma
post by Mars Hill Church

…of prayer, they both felt God was calling Jim to sell his successful business and serve Jesus in…


Who are we trying to impress?
post by Mars Hill Church

…rich in faith? What would you change about yourself to become this way? Prayer Almighty God…


No cliques allowed
post by Mars Hill Church

…fulfill the law of God as we should? Prayer Father, we confess that we are lawbreakers. We have…


An all-or-nothing game
post by Mars Hill Church

…the tax collector do right in this story? Prayer Father, we recognize that we are lawbreakers…


Faith is completed by works
post by Mars Hill Church

…? How can we help each other obey this command? Prayer Dear Lord, you have loved us with an…


Are we justified by works?
post by Mars Hill Church

…? Can we take pride in our good works? If not, why not? Prayer Father, thank you that you saved us…


Those who wander away
post by Mars Hill Church

…could be considered a lost sheep? How can you pray for them or speak to them about Jesus? Prayer


Continue in bold proclamation
post by Mars Hill Church

…. Pray for one another, that the Spirit will give strength and continued boldness. Prayer Father…


God has the power to do miracles
post by Mars Hill Church

…read about in this text sound miraculous? Does this scenario sound good to you? Prayer Our…


Spring training at Mars Hill
post by Mars Hill Church

…next year. After much prayer and planning, we outlined what we believe will be the way to produce the…


Leaders convert
post by Mars Hill Church

…need to pray for? Who do you know that has been converted in a dramatic way? Prayer Father…


Do not reject God—Repent
post by Mars Hill Church

….) Prayer Father, help us to not be like Stephen’s audience. We don’t want to have stiff necks and…

It's All About Jesus

Jesus was a man who claimed to be God. Think on that for a minute. If that were true, how would it change the way you thought, felt, and lived this life?

At Mars Hill, we believe that Jesus is God. We take him at his word. Because of this, everything we do is all about Jesus. We invite you to learn more about this man who is God and how you can find forgiveness and new life in him.

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