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Life at Mars Hill, 5/17/14

This past Sunday was Mother’s Day and, to celebrate, each church enjoyed live preaching from their lead pastors, who preached out of the book of Titus. And we got the opportunity to witness 185 children dedicated to Jesus across all of our 15 churches! Praise Jesus!

As we heard from many mothers on Sunday, children are such a great blessing! Pastor Mark has said before, we read “be fruitful and multiply” and called dibs on that verse at Mars Hill. Several times a year we have opportunities for new parents to come on stage and dedicate their children to the Lord.

Dedicating children to the Lord is based on scripture from Luke 2:22 where Jesus was presented to the Lord in the Temple as an infant, and is an expression of our commitment to persevering faithfulness in raising our children out of the heart-posture that God calls us to embrace daily. As well, it’s a time for the church leadership and community to show their support for parents, and to commit to equipping them by the grace of God to be positive examples as followers of Jesus.

Learn more about child dedications here and praise Jesus as you witness all the beautiful children that the Lord has blessed the people of Mars Hill with lately.


Our Albuquerque church set up a photo booth for families to enjoy on Mother’s Day.

A total of 26 children were dedicated to Jesus with Bible reading and prayer on Sunday.


A total of 20 children were dedicated at our Ballard church.


Andrew and Jenny Ma’s baby was one of 37 dedicated at our Bellevue church on Sunday.

Chris and Ilea Bingham dedicate their child.

Pastor Thomas Hurst called the women of the church to teach sound doctrine and to gladly accept their roles and responsibility in their family and church, as Jesus gladly accepted his role and submitted to the Father.

“We do this so that people who would see us in the world would not revile the Word of God,” said Pastor Thomas. “How we live is going to speak to who we believe God is. God uses our experiences to love and teach others how corrupt we are, how beautiful he is, and how much he loves us.”


Marilyn with her children, Wyatt and Jaclyn.

The Robertsons were one of the families celebrating Mother’s Day at our Downtown church.

Baby Luke, three months, in his mother’s arms.

The Kings were one of the families dedicating their baby, Oliver, who was an old salt of four weeks.

The Choi family dedicated their four month old, Jude.


In Everett, 12 babies were dedicated on Mother’s Day.

Huntington Beach

Mars Hill Huntington Beach had four baby dedications, and Pastor Matt Wallace preached.


Our Olympia church had seven baby dedications.


Phoenix had 12 baby dedications and Pastor Ryan Welsh preached the Mother’s Day sermon.

Here, Pastor Ryan gives a sermon illustration by imitating his 5-year-old daughter.


At our Portland church, 11 children were dedicated on Mother’s Day.

Rainier Valley

At Rainier Valley, six families dedicated their children and Lead Pastor Ed Choi preached.


Dads and kids were offered flowers to give to Mom at our Sammamish church Sunday.

Children were dedicated at every one of Sammamish’s three Sunday services.

A total of six children were dedicated on Sunday at the Sammamish church.


There were 16 baby dedications at our Shoreline church on Mother’s Day.


Our Tacoma church had 21 baby dedications, led by Pastor Joel Brown.

They created slides for the families with a picture of their child and the verse they chose.


Pastor Drew preached at the U-District, and led two families in dedicating their children.

West Seattle

Our West Seattle church handed out more than 400 flowers to honor moms on Mother’s Day.

By the end of the day, seven babies had been dedicated.

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