In the third sermon from the Malachi series, Pastor Mark speaks about the effects of bad and good Bible teachers. As valuable as experiences are, we don’t always know what to do with them apart from teaching. The Bible contains a lot of teaching, a lot of teachers, and a lot of exhortations for teachers. We know that a good teacher can really change your life, but so can a bad one—they can teach you some things you’ve got to spend the rest of your life unlearning.
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Teachers positively & negatively impact us. A good teacher can change your life; so can a bad teacher. #legacy
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A bad teacher can teach you some things that you’ve got to spend the rest of your life unlearning. #malachi #legacy
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Just bc God has strong words doesn’t mean he doesn’t love us; they’re strong words from a loving Father. #malachi
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Who should you be listening to? In what areas or aspects of your life do you have a hard heart? #malachi #legacy
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God not only sees the external, but he sees the internal. He sees the heart. #malachi #legacy
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Just bc there’s a cross on the top of a church doesn’t mean you’ll walk in & hear about Christ. #malachi #legacy
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5 traits of a good Bible teacher: character, clarity, consistency, courage & Christ. #malachi #legacy
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A good Bible teacher understands that Scripture is for us, but it’s not about us—it’s about Jesus. #malachi #legacy
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Any time that the Bible is open & Jesus is not proclaimed, the Bible was not rightly opened. #malachi #legacy
- It’s bad enough when someone harms themselves, but when they start harming their students, God takes it very seriously. #malachi #legacy
- God holds teachers accountable because students follow their teacher & if their teacher is heading off a cliff, it’s bad for the students. #malachi #legacy
- Some of what we learn in life comes through experience, but most of what we learn comes through instruction. Even as we have experiences, we don’t know how to interpret them or respond to them apart from teaching. #malachi #legacy
- There’s one God. He made you. You sinned against him. He loves you, so he came as Jesus Christ to save you. Jesus lived without sin, died on the cross in your place for your sins. Three days later, rose from death. He’s ascended, seated in heaven right now, coming again to judge the living and the dead. The bottom line is, you’ve got two options: You close your ears and you spend forever in the conscious, eternal torments of hell. Or you open your ears, you soften your heart, you confess your sins, you receive him as Lord. #malachi #legacy
Recommended resources
Doctrine from False Teachers, part 1 and part 2
Sermons from the Trial series
God looks on false teachers with anger and judgment. They pick off individuals and crush them with a false understanding of God. God provides his word and godly pastors to pick out the wolves, and protect his sheep.
Apostate in Pergamum: Good Deeds, Bad Doctrine
Sermon from The Seven series
Pastor Mark preaches on Jesus’ words to the church in Pergamum from the theater on the upper acropolis of the ancient city of Pergamum itself. Jesus encourages them for withstanding physical, political, and spiritual persecution in their city, where Satan’s throne is. However, he rebukes them for their apostate beliefs (false doctrine) and behavior (sexual sin). How could we fall into apostasy?
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